It seems that we are most definately not alone! This morning I found another blog all about living large in small spaces.

My name is Kent Griswold and I am developing this blog because of my love of small spaces. I have always dreamed of having a cabin and have done research over the years. Tiny houses have also become an interest to me in the last couple of years.
The goal of the tiny house blog is to discover the different options available for a person looking to down size into a tiny house or cabin. I will be looking at different type of construction, from logs, to yurts to modern and the unusual. I will also do book reviews, look at alternate energy for heat and electricity.
I want to encourage feedback and ideas to make this an informative blog. Stories of people who are living this dream. Pictures of tiny houses and cabins, etc.
My goal is to publish weekly and more if possible. Thank you for sharing in this experience with me.